A Bold Selfie-Taker Destroyed A 126-Year-Old Statue In Portugal

Between the fan who took pictures of Amy Schumer without permission, and this selfie-taker who a historic statue in Portugal, it seems like not everybody should be allowed to possess a phone with a camera on it.

According to Death and Taxes, a 24-year-old young man tried to take a selfie with a statue at Rossio Station in Lisbon, Portugal. Because not any old picture of this statue would do, he tried to climb the sculpture, which appears to have been nestled in an alcove. What a great idea. In a predictable turn of events, the selfie-taker broke the statue. He fled the scene, but police caught him, and now he’s awaiting trial. Poor guy.

The statue had a lot of history behind it, though:

The statue was a representation of Dom Sebastiao, a Portuguese king who was killed in 1578 at the Battle of the Three Kings, coincidentally at the age of 24.

The real Dom Sebastiao died valiantly (I assume) in battle, but his statue gets no such dignity. Rather it’s in pieces because of one of the more dubious aspects of modern 21st century culture. Does that make me sound like a curmudgeon? I didn’t break any hundred-plus year old statue, so I’ll take it.

(via Death and Taxes)