‘BangFit’ Is A New Fitness Method That Will Get You In Shape With Good Old-Fashioned Intercourse

With Wii Fit and Fitbit, along with countless watches and apps designed to track one’s fitness in this modern age we live in, tracking one workout method has been criminally ignored until now. As we all know, nothing burns calories like a good old-fashioned sex session, which is why Pornhub — known technological giants of the porn world — is hoping to change that with a brand new workout method: the Bangfit.

Bangfit requires only a smartphone, and is an interactive game to play with your partner, but also — very importantly — tracks your results. As Pornhub so eloquently describes on the (safe for work) Bangfit landing site:

Did you know that 30 minutes of sex is equivalent to a three-mile bike ride? And that you burn two hot dogs’ worth of calories in the process? Well with BangFit, you can have your wieners and eat them too.

Users just select a “sexercise” from the Pornhub website, go to the game’s mobile site, enter in a code, and then play along with the video on the screen — much like one would with a regular workout video. You can even order a “Bangfit band” to secure your smartphone to your waist as you play along. (Bangfit band may or may not be machine washable.)

Hey, it sounds like more fun than Zumba, anyway.

(Via Pornhub Bangfit)