Holy Crap, Is This Chinese Laundry Detergent Commercial The Most Racist Thing That Has Ever Existed?


This commercial out of China for Qiaobi brand laundry detergent left more than a few members of the Uproxx staff speechless due to its blatantly racist messaging, by taking the term “whitewashing” to its most literal sense. In the nearly minute-long spot, a woman in the midst of doing her laundry sexily greets a hunky black gentleman painting her house. However, before things can proceed to the “bom chicka wah wah” territory they ostensibly seem to be heading for, the woman grabs the man, shoves a detergent pod into his mouth, then stuffs him into the washing machine.

What in the actual frick, China? How a commercial like this could fly in any country of the world is beyond us, but given some of China’s recent indiscretions, we can’t say we’re completely surprised.

And yet, somehow sexy banana eating is still absolutely forbidden.

(Via Reddit)