Early Panels: Three Comics I’m Looking Forward To Tomorrow

Looking over this week’s list, here are three comics I’m looking forward to reading.

Zaucer of Zilk #1

IDW is starting a push to bring some of 2000AD‘s work to a wider audience. November we start seeing some Judge Dredd, but for now, we’ll see Brendan McCarthy’s trippy series that recently ran in Britain. You might remember McCarthy from books like Skrull Kill Krew, or from the ’90s show ReBoot, which he mostly designed.

So, you could say I’m pretty curious to see what he’s got coming.

Not My Bag

Sina Grace (artist on The Lil Depressed Boy) has put together a graphic novel about working in a department store, which is apparently home to eldritch horrors, if the cover is any indication. Believe it or not, working in these places is frought with the kind of stupid office politics and backstabbing you generally expect from jobs that actually matter. So, yeah, this has enough promise to be worth $13.

Hawkeye #3

Because I loved the first two issues, and the third one looks even better.

Here’s the full list: Let us know what you’re pulling tomorrow.