Watch Herman Cain Excitedly Claim ‘Shucky Ducky’ Donald Trump ‘Is Not A Racist’

During his 2012 campaign for the Republican presidential nomination, Herman Cain uttered three famous words that would ring almost as loud as Howard Dean’s infamous “Dean scream” from 2004. Those words were “aww, shucky ducky!,” and they were… interesting. Even though Cain lost his bid for the nomination to Mitt Romney, “shucky ducky” hasn’t left his political and professional side since. Perhaps this is why he thought it was a good idea to bust it out while introducing presumptive nominee Donald Trump, whom he doesn’t think is a racist.

“Aww, shucky ducky!” he exclaimed, adding: “This sounds like a shucky ducky kind of crowd, on a shucky ducky kind of day, here to support an aww, shucky ducky kind of candidate.”

Then the 70-year-old former Tea Party activist-turned-syndicated radio host launched into a tirade against what he called “one of the biggest lies out there about Donald Trump”:

“I hope the liberals, and the liberal media [are] listening. Donald Trump is not a racist. I grew up in Atlanta, Georgia. I know what a racist looks like when I see one, and Donald Trump is not a racist.”

Countless examples of Trump’s “textbook” racism to the contrary, Cain brushed off these and other criticisms — including those by Romney — and lauded the presumptive nominee with praise. However, what’s piqued our interest is the repeated use of “shucky ducky,” which Cain explained to then-Daily Show correspondent John Oliver in 2012. According to the Republican presidential hopeful, the term “was a way for me to say ‘I’m thrilled to be here and I am happy that you are happy that I’m here.'”

Yet as comedian Cecil Armstrong, the man who coined “Shuckey Duckey” for use as a stage name, said of the expression, the phrase wasn’t just a jovial way of expressing happiness. It can also be used to connote disappointment, so as Uproxx’s Life editor Steve Bramucci puts, “take as you will.”

For the rest of Cain’s 10-minute speech, check out the full video below:

(Via Matt Wilstein on Twitter and Right Side Broadcasting on YouTube)