Caitlyn Jenner Thinks Trump Is ‘Very Much For Women’

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Despite calling women “fat pigs”, “bimbos”, and other misogynistic names, Donald Trump claims to “love women”. Now, besides his daughter, Trump has one more woman standing by his side telling everybody that he is in fact a champion for women’s rights. Caitlyn Jenner, who has basically branded herself as the GOP’s connection to the LGBTQ+ community, in an exclusive interview with STATa magazine focused on health and medicine, explained that she is still on Team Trump. In the interview, Jenner discussed certain health issues that concern the transgender community, but then things turned to politics when she was ask what political party understands the transgender community more. Jenner replied:

“I’m on the conservative Republican side. I’m not excited with what Obama has done to the economy, to our Constitution, all that kind of stuff. But as far as the transgender community, they’ve actually been very good. Everybody looks at the Democrats as being better with these issues. But Trump seems to be very much for women. He seems very much behind the LGBT community because of what happened in North Carolina with the bathroom issue. He backed the LGBT community.”

Caitlyn, are you saying that he backs the LGBT community because you personally were able to use the women’s room at Trump Tower without getting harassed? You have to hand it to Trump, at least he’s is trying to win the vote of “the gays” like he’s trying to do with the Latino community. Just forget about that stuff he’s said about overturning marriage equality. But that’s fine for Jenner; she wasn’t really for that anyway.

(Via STAT)