Michael K. Williams Posts A ‘The Wire’ Mini-Reunion Photo On His Instagram

Yesterday evening, Michael K. Williams, who played cereal fanatic Omar Little on HBO’s The Wire, posted the picture see above on his Instagram, with the caption, “We are faaaam i ly yeah yeah yeah yeah ye ahhh!!!!!” Surrounding Williams is, among others, Felicia “Snoop” Pearson, Sonja “Kima” Sohn, and Jamie “Marlo” Hector, as well as Andre “Bubbles” Royo, who, I must admit, cleans up well. I mean, anything’s a step above having your body littered with scabs and needle marks, but between the glasses, tie under the sweater, and one-hand-in-jeans look, to say nothing of his squint stare, dude looks ready for a GQ shoot.

It’s unknown why the “faaaam i ly” got together, but let’s just assume they’re filming The Wire: The Movie.
