Michael B. Jordan Pens A Moving Statement On The Recent Police Shootings: ‘This Must Stop’

Michael B. Jordan is no stranger to facing racial controversy. He got a fair share of criticism during the production of Fantastic Four for playing the role of Johnny Storm, something he took head on despite the film ending up as a disaster. Now he’s using his status to tackle another racial issue affecting all of America and those who are meant to serve and protect.

In the wake of Dallas, Louisiana, and Minnesota this week, Jordan posted a powerful statement on Instagram condemning the violence while also keeping focus on the reasons people are taking to the streets to close this week:

I’ve been trying to process all that has occurred in the last few days and I’m still looking for the words to express my pain. The fact is Alton Sterling and Philando Castile were not unfortunate accidents. These are just a few of the countless incidents of violent neglect, poor training and lack of accountability that clearly illustrate one thing: Black people are being disproportionally dehumanized and murdered, this must stop!

Jordan also includes the events in Dallas in his statement, noting that the actions of the Dallas police are what we expect from police. Not the shocking video that spread earlier in the week on social media:

I care about the safety of my black brothers and sisters and my blue ones too. There are no adequate words for the fallen officers in Dallas. From the bottom of my heart, I thank them for protecting the peaceful protestors, their courage and effort to support us is what we need more of.

This hits close to home. It could have easily been myself, my little brother, my dad, one of my friends, or any of us. When one of us is murdered because a police officer is “afraid for their life”, it pains us – we feel it. In the wake of these senseless murders, our homes are forever broken; families are left to figure it out. I’m concerned about my mother, my sister, and all my magical black women that are left to pick up the pieces. Often they are not acknowledged or thanked for being on the front line fighting these battles for and with us, but know your continued strength, courage, and unwavering love and support gives us the strength to keep fighting. Finding solutions in these times of survival are seemingly hard to identify but we must continue to keep moving forward. Alternatively, violence is not the answer; it only begets more fear and violence. This is the time to unify; our communities, our churches and our homes. My mission is to channel my anger and energy – along with my love and hope for the future into actively finding solutions. Change will take all of us, we can no longer say or do…Nothing.

The post is accompanied by a black image, showing solidarity for the movement that has spread to other users on social media. You can check the full post below.


(Via Michael B. Jordan)