Boris Johnson Has Been Appointed Foreign Secretary By British Prime Minister Theresa May

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The Brexit fallout continues as new Prime Minister Theresa May takes office and begins to reshuffle her cabinet. In a stunning move, May appointed former London mayor Boris Johnson, who led the Brexit movement, as British foreign minister. Johnson was once considered the favorite to become the new prime minister, but did a quick about face.

Johnson, who has never held a cabinet position, will be in charge of handling the fallout from the country leaving the European Union and deal with relations with other countries. The appointment comes as a bit of a surprise as May and Johnson had a difficult relationship, with the prime minister even questioning his negotiating skills.

Being appointed to the foreign minister position seems a bit ironic for some, as he resigned from his mayoral position not long after Brexit. His recent clean-up-this-mess-I-made attitude has some infuriated:

And his method of diplomacy is different to say the least, as he seems to be someone who never minces words:

Johnson is now the U.K.’s lead diplomat, basically representing the country in its values. It’ll be interesting to see whether his brash attitude continues or if May will sit him down with a “come on dude” conversation. The Brexit vote created a shock around the country and political officials may have more cleaning up to do in the coming weeks, months, and … years.

(Via Reuters, The Sun & BBC)