Facebook Is Currently Mesmerized By This Disgusting (Yet Compelling) Blackhead Removal Video

Wanna see something disgusting? C’mon, you saw the headline. It’s not like you clicked on this post to read about tax advice. If YouTube view counts are anything to go by, there’s a significant portion of folks out there that like a good video where something disgusting is popped, pulled or coaxed out of someone’s skin. It’s the kinkier side of the viral video beast and occasionally botflies are involved.

The current cause célèbre for face goo gawkers is a clip that’s earned over 20 million Facebook views since last Sunday. Gaze on as blackheads are extracted in an almost hypnotically soothing manner. Stare at it long enough and it looks like this poor soul has larvae being pulled out of their flesh. Depending on your viewpoint, this is either a brilliant exercise in body horror or a way of feeling like order is being restored by yanking out that pesky build-up. Maybe it’s both? We’re not here to kinkshame your skin maintenance viewing habits.

We have this curiosity of a video located at the top of the post for your viewing or stomach-clearing convenience. We’d stick a NSFW warning with it, but every office has their own rules about blackhead removal clips. Feel no shame. Embrace the calm that comes from yuck.

(Via The Huffington Post)