We Went To The DNC To Ask, ‘Why Do People Dislike Hillary Clinton?’

“Why do people dislike Hillary Clinton?” Despite the fact that the Democratic convention’s primary purpose was to tally the delegates’ votes, which already favored Clinton, and officially nominate her for the party’s presidential ticket, many voters still aren’t fond of her. Be it Benghazi, the “Wikileaks shenanigans,” or the Trans-Pacific Partnership, there’s a significant number of both Democrats and Republicans who remain wary about a Hillary Clinton presidency.

Not to mention just how much the possibility of a female 45th President of the United States bothers a certain sector of her critics.

Bearing the nation’s collective Hillary trust issues in mind, Uproxx went to Philadelphia to ask those with “I’m With Her” placards and those without them about why the Democratic nominee is so disliked. Some answers confirmed what we already knew, others surprised us. Disaffected Bernie Sanders supporters, lifelong Democrats, boisterous Donald Trump fans, unattached observers waiting on the sidelines — everyone in the country has a stake in who wins this November, and this issue isn’t going away.

In November, it’ll be up to each of us to make our votes count, and that means educating ourselves. As The Daily Show‘s Hasan Minhaj told us, you ought not judge the leader of the free world just on his or her ability to correctly whip and nae nae.