Bill Clinton Calls The FBI’s Assessment Of Hillary’s Email Controversy ‘A Load Of Bull’

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Bill Clinton has had enough of this malarkey about Hillary Clinton’s emails. The former president is piping hot mad that his wife has had to go through the trials and tribulations because of her private email server.

Clinton had made no bones that she was shortsighted in using her private email server as secretary of state. The FBI simply gave her a slap on the wrist, but many opponents were not happy with that decision, a response that may have lead to the case being reopened. On Friday, Bill gave his two cents about the situation at a gathering of the Asian American Journalists Association and shared his frustration over the matter. The question started off easy enough when an attendee asked how can they trust Clinton when she lied about her emails. That’s when Bill let loose:

“First of all, the FBI director said, when he testified before Congress, he had to amend his previous day’s statement that she had never received any emails marked classified. They saw two little notes with a ‘C’ on it — this is the biggest load of bull I’ve ever heard — that were about telephone calls that she needed to make. The State Department typically puts a little ‘C’ on it to discourage people from discussing it in public in the event the secretary of state, whoever it is, doesn’t make a telephone call. Does that sound threatening to the national security to you?”

That’s Slick Willy for you, always with the smooth talk. But Bill was quick to point out that a number of prominent Republicans have said they are supporting Hillary in November, which is a sign she can be trusted.

(Via New York Post & CNN)