Donald Trump Reportedly Tried To Invite Himself To Chelsea Clinton’s 2010 Wedding

Chelsea Clinton Marries Marc Mezvinsky In Rhinebeck, New York
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By now, you may have seen pictures floating around the internet of Hillary and Bill Clinton at the 2005 wedding of Donald Trump to his current wife Melania. The four happily posed for a photo op, which — along with his own words — seems to paint a vastly different picture of his former friendship with the woman he now demonizes. But according to a new book coming out next month, Man of the World: The Further Endeavors of Bill Clinton, Trump apparently expected the gesture to be reciprocated when Chelsea Clinton got married in 2010. It was not.

And when Trump’s invite was “lost in the mail,” author Joe Conason writes that the Republican candidate attempted to take matters into his own hands.

“And finally there was Donald Trump, who had hosted a somewhat reluctant Bill and Hillary [Clinton] at his third wedding in 2005,” writes the book’s author, Joe Conason. “The real estate mogul was the sort of person who, though not an actual friend, still aspired to attend Chelsea’s wedding, which he clearly considered a prestigious event.”

When Trump didn’t receive an invitation, he reportedly called Doug Band, an adviser to the former president. “I’m supposed to be at the wedding, Doug,” Trump said. “But I didn’t receive the invitation, and I need to know where to go.”

Conason writes that Band knew Trump wasn’t on the list and suggested he contact Chelsea Clinton for directions. “At that point, the would-be wedding crasher apparently gave up,” Conason writes.

My God. Could this entire election be about the fact that Donald Trump felt unfairly snubbed because he wasn’t invited to a wedding? Well, probably not the entire reason, but you know that had to have left a festering boil on the guy’s ego. I wouldn’t rule it out as a motivating factor, is all I’m saying.

(Via The Hill)