Leaked Images Show A Sleek, Sexy PS4 Slim

Much like Microsoft did with the Xbox One S, Sony has been working on a brand new version of the PlayStation 4 that will boast a slimmer profile and some increased stats, as well as possibly a slim version, although nothing has yet to make its debut to the public just yet. After a lot of speculation and curiosity, new images have surfaced of a new version of the PlayStation 4, says The Verge, and it looks like the PlayStation 4 Slim.

The leaked images show an obviously smaller system, although it appears to be simply a PlayStation 4 Slim, not the PlayStation 4 Neo, which will have updated specs as well as be smaller than the initial PlayStation 4. The packaging also only says PlayStation 4, including a 500gb hard drive. Sony has released smaller versions of all of their consoles to date, so it should come as no shock that they would give the PS4 the same treatment.

There is a big unveiling expected on September 7th from Sony, although it’s not clear if it will be this PlayStation 4 Slim, or the actual PlayStation Neo. Regardless, smaller is always better and chances are this new PS4 model will still be an upgrade over the launch model if you haven’t picked one up yet.

(Via The Verge)