Ryan Reynolds Is Gloriously Turning Down The Sexual Advances Of His Twitter Followers

Merriam-Webster describes the word “daddy” as “a person’s father.”

Twitter describes the word “daddy” as “f*ck me daddy.”

That endearing, appropriated come-on — which caused a stir this past weekend, because we’re all wasting our lives… daddy — has been tweeted at everyone from Kanye West to Bernie Sanders to the Pope (especially the Pope), and pretty much every other male celebrity who uses social media. It’s particularly popular amongst teens and twenty-somethings, who have mastered the art of sincere irony (or ironic sincerity?). Jennifer, 22, told Broadly, “I tweet at famous people for their reaction. It doesn’t have to be good or bad.” In the case of Ryan Reynolds, it’s neither — it’s fantastic.

It all began earlier this summer, when one of Reynolds’ followers tweeted, “@VancityReynolds choke me daddy.” The Deadpool star’s response: “I shouldn’t.” Famous people almost never respond to these kind of messages, for obvious reasons, but Reynolds has turned trolling the trolls into an art.

Other examples:

@VancityReynolds eat my ass

Aww. Just planting fresh flowers at a local community center right now.

@VancityReynolds f*ck me until I die

Sorry to miss it. Just washing Kirk Cameron’s feet with liquid prayer.

@VancityReynolds shag my wife Ryan

No, I’m in Washington D.C. trying to broker real change.

@VancityReynolds Tear my appendix out a tickle my asshole

Just trying to finish this charcoal sketch of The Last Supper.

@VancityReynolds can you shove a chopstick up my asshole?

Sorry, just trying to get this wild dolphin untangled from fishing line.

The “daddy” mythology even includes a character named Nana. When separate followers instructed Reynolds to “sign my dick” and “shove your ass so far up my ass it comes out my ear,” he responded, “Oops, I’m just helping my Nana take her diabetes medication right now” and “just saying goodbye to my Nana. Any moment now. #WithTheAngelsSoon.” I hope Nana made it.

Anyway, it’s nice that Reynolds and Blake Lively, two impossibly attractive humans, are cool with being constantly berated by sexual requests. In fact, Reynolds is “pretty sure it’s my wife writing most of those. Sounds like her.”

That sounds more entertaining than Lively fighting a shark.

(Via Twitter)