David Duke’s Robocall Urges Voters To Save America By Stopping Immigration And Voting Trump

On Monday, the voice of former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke autodialed residents in Louisiana and further latched onto (an unenthusiastic) Donald Trump while making a Senate bid. Duke warned call recipients that “unless massive immigration is stopped now,” they’d be “outnumbered and outvoted in [their] own nation.” We are unsure where Duke got his all-white call list.

“Hi, this is David Duke. I’m sorry I missed you. I’m running for U.S. Senate,” the call begins. “I’ll tell the truth that no other candidate will dare say.” He goes on:

“Unless massive immigration is stopped now, we’ll be out numbered and outvoted in our own nation. It’s happening. We’re losing our gun rights, our free speech. We’re taxed to death. We’re losing our jobs and businesses to unfair trade. We’re losing our country. Look at the Super Bowl salute to the Black Panther cop killers. It’s time to stand up and vote for Donald Trump for president and vote for me David Duke for the U.S. Senate.

Duke confirmed that it was his voice on the call, according to BuzzFeed: “Everyone is saying they’re voting for Duke and Trump. A blind man told me he was voting for Duke and Trump. The response has been overwhelming.”

The Trump campaign denounced the call in a statement to Politico: “Mr. Trump has continued to denounce David Duke and any group or individual associated with a message of hate. There is no place for this in the Republican Party or our country.”

(Via BuzzFeed & Politico)