Former Mexican President Vicente Fox Rages Against Donald Trump’s Visit: ‘He Is Not Welcome’

In case you haven’t heard the news, Donald Trump has accepted Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto’s invitation to visit his country on Wednesday. The meeting of the actual and would-be dignitaries has generated a great deal of speculation among political pundits, especially since it falls just before the Republican nominee’s planned immigration speech in Arizona. Yet Vicente Fox, Mexico’s former president and one of Trump’s most ardent critics in the American media, wasted no time in using his public platform to criticize Peña and the Donald alike.

“He is not welcome to Mexico,” Fox explained Wednesday morning on CNN. “We don’t like him. We don’t want him. We reject his visit. I don’t understand why President Peña has offered this opportunity. I think it’s nothing more than a political stunt. Trump is using Mexico, using President Peña, to boost his sinking poll numbers.”

While New Day co-host Chris Cuomo listened, Fox continued his talking points in full:

“I think that President Pena is taking an enormous political risk by hosting Trump. If’s he’s perceived as going soft on Trump, it will hurt him greatly. He will even be considered like a traitor, because we don’t accept being offended.”

Most of what Fox had to say echoed tweets he posted late Tuesday night when the news first broke, and early Wednesday morning after his interview:

TRANSLATION: “There is no turning back, Trump. Your offenses towards Mexicans, Muslims and more have led you to the pit where you are today. Goodbye, Trump!”

TRANSLATION: “Mexico does not want Donald Trump. Mexico will never trust him. We do not allow anyone to use our country for their own interests.”

Unsurprisingly, Trump caught wind of Fox’s tweeted and televised criticisms and responded in kind, reminding Fox of his previous “f*cking wall” comment and subsequent apology offer.

As of this writing, Fox has yet to respond to Trump.

(Via Raw Story)