Tim Kaine Knocks Donald Trump For His ‘Idiotic’ Comments About Hillary Clinton’s Qualifications

In a Tuesday interview with Good Morning America, Tim Kaine described Donald Trump‘s musings about whether or not Hillary Clinton appears presidential as “idiotic.” This reaction came after Trump made weekend rounds to Ohio, where (according to The Hill) he asked supporters of Clinton, “Does she look presidential, fellas? Give me a break.” Kevin Cirilli of Bloomberg overheard the moment and duly tweeted the quote.

“Can I just say — ‘Does she look Presidential, fellas?’ that’s an idiotic comment,” Kaine said. “I got added to this ticket about 11, 12 weeks, 100 days from the election. This great public servant has been on the field for 17 or 18 months. It’s hard to keep up with her.” Clinton, who was being interviewed alongside Kaine, smiled. “The day [Trump] tweeted out, ‘Hillary didn’t come to Mexico, does she have the energy?’ she was here in Ohio talking to the American Legion.”

Trump repeated his comments on Tuesday to ABC’s David Muir. “I just don’t think she has a presidential look and you need a presidential look,” the Republican presidential nominee said. “You have to get the job done. I think if she went to Mexico, she would have had a total failure. We had a big success.” CBS News’ Sopan Deb posted more of the transcript on Twitter.


This isn’t the first time Kaine has taken a shot at Trump. The Democratic vice presidential nominee told supporters at a rally on Monday, “Here’s my prediction: at the end of a second-term Hillary Clinton, Trump will be saying that same thing as he’s hocking bottled water somewhere and we’ve forgotten he ever ran for president.”

(Via Good Morning America, The Week & The Hill)

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