Chris Brown Deactived His Twitter Account After Telling Comedian That He Wanted To ‘Sh*t On [Her] Retina’

We’re now at the point where Chris Brown telling a comedy writer over Twitter, “Mom says hello…she told me not to shart in ur mouth, wanted me to sh*t right on your retina” and “Take them teeth out when u Sucking my d*ck HOE” is only the fourth worst thing he’s done this year. He’s nothing, if not reliable.

The comedy writer in question is Jenny Johnson, who’s been amusingly criticizing Brown via Twitter for months now because, again, he beats women and shows no remorse for having done so. The blowup began when Johnson responded to Brown’s tweet of “I look old as f*ck! I’m only 23” with “I know! Being a worthless piece of sh*t can really age a person.” It’s true — Mel Gibson is only four years old.

Anyway, the two traded barbs, as seen below, and normally, we’d maybe feel a twinge of sympathy for someone who’s being relentlessly attacked, but not Brown, who’s as miserable of a person as that puppy in the banner looks. Plus, he spells “ho” wrong. Monster.

Here’s their kindergarten conversation.

After the world unleashed the fury of a million Chris Browns upon the real Chris Brown, he wrote:

And then his Twitter was gone. But the replies kept coming for Johnson:

The only thing worse than one Chris Brown? A million Chris Brown fans, apparently.

(Via Gawker)