The Best Of The Grace Van Cutsem, AKA The Royal Wedding Flower Girl, STFU Meme

When this photo began circulating after the royal wedding on Friday, Grace Van Cutsem — the flower girl at the ceremony — was set to become an internet superstar. But then that whole Osama Bin Laden thing came along and disrupted her mementum (Did I just invent a new word?). But here’s the thing, y’all — you cannot stop a fed-up force of nature like Grace Van Cutsem, you can only hope to contain her.
And so I’ve noticed that she has reemerged from the Bin Laden rubble, like a viral phoenix rising from the ashes, seemingly emboldened by the whole sordid, bloody sh*tshow — as evidenced by her making an appearance in the already iconic White House Situation Room photo. It’s as if she’s telling us, “You’re didn’t think you’d get rid of me that quickly, DID YOU?”
Let’s face it, because there are so many STFU-worthy people and moments tainting the era in which we all live, the Grace Van Cutsem STFU meme isn’t going quietly into the night — so I decided pay homage to our little web princess by putting together a slideshow of the more hilarious pictures with her cute little fed-up face photoshopped in that I’ve seen popping up all over the web of late. Enjoy…

Grace Van Cutsem demands to see proof that every birther’s IQ test score is higher than the temperature of the room they took it in.
“We left Britney alone, as*hole!” — Grace Van Cutsem
Grace Van Cutsem thinks South Beach is for d-bags.
“Why is that lady who looks kinda like Paula Deen screaming at me through the TV?” — Grace Van Cutsem.
Grace Van Cutsem hates Fridays.
Grace Van Cutsem knows a festering mound of dung when she sees one.
Grace Van Cutsem thinks Glenn Beck makes Bill O’Reilly look refined.
If Grace Van Cutsem had her way, neither one of them would have finished.
“That’s a stupid f*cking haircut.” — Grace Van Cutsem.
Well, on second thought, Grace Van Cutsem doesn’t think Bill O’Reilly is all that refined.
Grace Van Cutsem thinks Miley Cyrus sounds like a chain-smoking, middle-aged street hooker each time she opens her mouth.
Grace Van Cutsem thinks the vuvuzela is just further proof that soccer is stupid.
Grace Van Cutsem can hear Osama Bin Laden’s cries, and she is unmoved.
“Sarah Palin is a c*nt.” — Grace Van Cutsem.