A Pipe Bomb Exploded Near The Site Of A Marine 5k In Seaside Park, New Jersey

A reported explosion in a trash can near Seaside Park in New Jersey has postponed the a planned 5K race in the area. According to police the devices were placed along the route of the Semper Five 5K, with only one reportedly exploding according to Toms River Patch:

The explosion apparently involved at least one pipe bomb in a trash can at the time a Semper Five 5K race event – with 3,000 participants – was to be held for the U.S. Marines, according to authorities. The race was canceled.

There was a possibility of at least one other device in the area, and State Police were conducting a search using bomb dogs on Saturday, said Al Della Fave, a spokesman for the Ocean County Prosecutor’s Office.

The Ocean County Prosecutor’s Office told people to avoid the area of D Street and Ocean Avenue in Seaside Park after the explosive device discharged in a garbage can.

You can see several views of the exploded trashcan in the video below, taken at the scene. Race officials canceled the 5k after the explosions and authorities are asking people to stay away from the area:

“Out of extreme precaution, this year’s Seaside Semper Five has been canceled due to an unidentified suspicious backpack found at the race site. The safety and security of our participants, spectators, staff and volunteers is of utmost importance.”

“We’d like to thank the Seaside Park Police Department, all the first responders and emergency personnel for their quick action. Further details will be posted when available. Thank you for your understanding.”

(Via NBC News / Toms River Patch / App.Com)