Disturbing Chart/Graph Of The Day: CEO Pay VS. Navy Seal Pay

If the growing gap between rich and poor in this country wasn’t maddening enough, Think Progress compared the average pay of a Navy SEAL to that of a Wall Street CEO.

ABC News did a feature story about the SEALs to highlight the sacrifices those enlisted in the unit make. ABC compared their base salaries of $54,000 a year to the average annual salary for teachers … What would the numbers look like if the base salary of a Navy SEAL — who risk their very lives in their day-to-day work — was compared to the compensation of the CEOs of some of America’s wealthiest corporations? Data from the AFL-CIO’s Executive Pay Watch finds that the average 2010 CEO compensation at an S&P 500 company was $11,358,445.

I’m just gonna leave that right there. For now.

(via Mother Jones)