There are few sadder reminders of mankind’s footprint on the world than when a defenseless animal runs afoul of human waste and gets stuck or otherwise injured, as we’ve seen all too many times before, such as this bear who got its head stuck in a cheese ball jug or this sea turtle that got a plastic, disposable fork up its nose. So as humans, obviously it’s our duty to help our animal friends, even if that animal friend happens to have the ability to blast you with some extremely foul smelling liquid out of its behind.
So major props to the guy who filmed this video of himself rescuing a skunk with a Coca Cola can stuck on its head near Orillia, Ontario, titled “The bravest thing I’ve ever done,” which I 100 percent believe. If there’s one thing more terrifying than a skunk it’s a nervous, petrified skunk, yet our hero very calmly attempts to soothe the poor thing before finally luring it close enough to get a grip on the soda can. After about 25 extremely intense seconds in which I don’t think I breathed once, he finally succeeds, and the skunk quickly scampers off. I hope this guy earned himself a lifetime of “not getting sprayed by skunk” karma.