Gary Johnson Fumbles Into Another Cringeworthy Gaffe, But This Time, It’s Even Worse

A few weeks ago, Gary Johnson destroyed any chance he had at the 15% poll rating he needed to participate in the presidential debates. He completely mortified himself with his answer to one question on Morning Joe: “What would you do if you were elected about Aleppo?” And Johnson responded, “And what is Aleppo?” Perhaps the average U.S. citizen doesn’t recognize the besieged Syrian city by name, but anyone who even vaguely resembles a news junkie would know after viewing the haunting photo of a child whose home was recently bombed there. Naturally, Joe Scarborough ripped Johnson to pieces for running for president while not knowing, and Johnson earned his non-interventionist label to an extreme.

At that point, most people who were interested in the Libertarian nominee stopped caring, but he’s still going through the motions of a campaign. Wednesday night saw him join running mate Bill Weld with Chris Matthews in a town hall setting. Matthews asked the pair to name the foreign leader they most admired, and Johnson drew a total blank, again. At least Weld immediately rattled off the recently deceased Shimon Peres of Israel. For a very uncomfortable 30 seconds, Johnson tried in vain to think of some answer, any answer at all. Finally, Johnson replied, “The former president of Mexico,” although he couldn’t name names (Vicente Fox would be a good fit because he’s so anti-Trump), and he admitted, “I’m having an Aleppo moment.”

Here lies the political career of Gary Johnson. R.I.P.

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