The Sound Of This UFC Fighter Getting Kicked In The Cup Will Echo In Your Memory Forever

In any sort of kick fight, the possibility of getting hit the balls is very real. In fact, men are constantly getting their boys squished either through various can-openers or just straight up getting kicked.

There have been plenty of flush shots to the junk in MMA’s long-ish history, but this is one of the loudest in recent memory. Ion Cutelaba hits hard, and he landed a perfect kick square in the cup of Jonathan Wilson, who was down and almost out for a very long time.

You can see how Wilson is instantly stunned by the perfect shot between his legs. The cup wasn’t even done vibrating by the time he fell to his knees. The echo emanating from the blow was still bouncing around the walls of Portland’s Moda Center when Herb Dean told him he has “five minutes to recover.” Something tells us it will take more than five minutes to recover from this.

But still, after taking the full five minutes, Wilson was somehow able to continue on to go to a decision in a tough fight after taking this shot.

We’ll have to update our article of the “best” groin shots in MMA history. Yikes.