Trump Brings Up Bill Clinton In Response To Whether He’s Changed His Behavior Toward Women

In response to a Martha Raddatz question about Trump’s recent sexually lewd comments, Donald Trump brought up the many allegations against Bill Clinton from the 90’s as a defense. He ended up going completely off track of the question but attempted to use Hillary’s husband’s past mistakes as his personal shield. As is his tendency, and which he did multiple times at the first Presidential Debate, Trump went completely off topic when answering and brought up somebody else’s flaws instead of his own. In this case, it was his opponent’s husband.

Martha Raddatz, who has done an excellent job thus far alongside Anderson Cooper in fact checking both Trump and Hillary as necessary (but mostly Trump), and forcing him to answer the question at hand. Raddatz posed a follow-up question in regards to Trump’s inappropriate sexual comments that were revealed by a Washington Post scoop on Friday, asking Donald when that type of behavior ended and whether he still acts that way. As should be no real surprise, it wasn’t an answer that came out of Trump’s mouth but yet more accusations against his opponent and her family.

Trump’s comments included “defenses” like “mine are words, his were actions” and

“His was far worse — what he’s done to women, there’s never been anyone in the history of politics in this nation who has been so abusive to women so. So you could say anyway you want to say it, but Bill Clinton was abusive to women.”

While Clinton’s mistakes and the allegations against him from the 1990’s should not be completely dismissed as a fantasy or as false without fully discussing the facts, they are not on trial and have not been for many years now. He is also not running for President of the United States. That would be Donald Trump.

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