Balloon Boy Is Now The Frontman For A Metal Band

Remember Balloon Boy, the kid who America thought was helplessly flying away in a balloon three years ago only to be found hiding in the attic a short time later?

Well, he’s back in the news again, this time for fronting a metal band. Our Balloon Boys grow up so fast in America!

Reports the Broward New Times:

Inside a single-story house on a quiet street an hour north of Tampa, 9-year-old Falcon Heene plugs in his bass guitar and fires up his amp.

The scrawny, barefoot kid, four and a half feet tall, launches into “Burnin’ to Play,” off his band’s first, home-recorded album, Heene Boyz Rock.

Falcon’s brother Ryo, age 12, tears up the drums, and Bradford, 13, shreds a guitar. All three are dressed in black T-shirts and jean shorts. They have long, luxurious black hair that falls to their waists and would make a Kardashian look bald by comparison. These manes whip around like windmills as the boys thrash.

Falcon wails, “What do we do? Hang out in the park/Joey’s out playing in the dark/Oh my God — bored out of my mind/Adults don’t treat kids so effin’ kind.”

When it’s time for the guitar solo, Bradford nails it one-handed, Eddie Van Halen style. Falcon plucks bass strings with his teeth. When finished, they grin, make devil horns, and do handstands.

Props the the Heene family for moving their freakshow down to Florida, where it truly belongs. You may recall that they were living in Colorado when the whole Balloon Boy thing went down. They’ll fit in nicely amongst the Tampans. Already are.

(Pic via Facebook)