‘The Dark Knight’ As A Romantic Comedy (And Other Mashups)

Good afternoon you princes of Maine, you kings of New England, you stalkers of Alice Eve. Here are all the mashup and parody videos I didn’t get a chance to cover, thrown in your face like you’re Jodie Foster working for the FBI.

In the offing for today:

  1. FIRST VIDEO: Here’s a trailer for The Dark Knight if it were a romantic comedy. The “ex-boyfriend” and synchronized clapping is a thing of genius. [Thanks to Matin for sending this in.]
  2. SECOND VIDEO: Entertainment Weekly re-cut HBO’s Game of Thrones as an angst-filled drama airing on The CW. [via Blastr]
  3. THIRD VIDEO: Lance Ford noticed some similarities between Wreck-It Ralph and Fight Club. Ford says, “Other than the obvious connection of the main characters internal struggle, both have great group therapy scenes, the demolition of some big buildings, and an off-kilter scene involving cops.” [via B&P]
  4. FOURTH VIDEO: Erik Woods combined the newest Man of Steel trailer with John Williams’ original Superman theme. It was super effective. [via DCWKA]
  5. Banner picture: Doc In A Box” by Crocktees on Redbubble. [via]
  6. Inset picture: The Super Kiss” (after Gustav Klimt’s “The Kiss”) by dio-03 on deviantART. [via]