A Hashtag Calling To Repeal Women’s Right To Vote Surfaces, And Folks Are Freaking Out

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On this eventful afternoon, the internet has turned its watchful gaze towards the 19th Amendment, which grants women the right to vote. Part of the buzz is due to Eric Trump sending out a Wednesday campaign email that contained a rather suggestive map. His text read, in part, “The mainstream media are doing everything they can to prop up Crooked Hillary and downplay the incredible Donald Trump surge happening across the nation.” He added a map, which Nate Silver of Five Thirty Eight tweeted on Tuesday. The map shows what polls suggest the election results would be if only men voted.

Another map claims to show what would happen if only women voted.


Let’s just say there are a few awful tweets going down right now. It’s a vocal minority, but there are references about women not fighting but “nagging” to secure their right to vote. And to be certain, some of the horrible tweets may be jokes, but collectively, there’s a trend on Twitter that’s fueled by disbelief that anyone would want to repeal the 19th Amendment. And folks like George Takei are addressing the matter head on.

A quick look at the #RepealThe19th hashtag shows outrage along with people throwing their hands up at the absurdity of it all. Here’s a quick sampling.



Hopefully, there aren’t too many people out there who are serious about repealing the 19th Amendment, but it’s not worth much wasted outrage. After all, the internet will be stirring up something different in a few hours.

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