Donald Trump Made Questionable Comments About A 10-Year-Old Girl In A 1992 Interview

Donald Trump’s campaign team must be reeling from the sheer volume of damning stories about their candidate in recent days. Now, CBS News has added another revolting specimen to the pile. The network aired some Entertainment Tonight archival footage, which dates back to 1992 when Trump was 46 years old. In the clip, you can overhear Trump making highly questionable comments about a 10-year-old girl. His unmistakable voice asks the girl if she’s about to ride an escalator. She answers, “Yeah!” And Trump says, “I am going to be dating her in 10 years. Can you believe it?”

This clip stands as yet another example of skeevy commentary from Trump. Last Friday, the world witnessed his enormously lewd hot mic comments about groping and kissing women without their consent. And in the past 24 hours, several women have come forward with their claims of Trump inappropriately touching them. Meanwhile, countless old Howard Stern appearances have featured Trump discussing his eldest daughter, Ivanka, in appalling terms and claiming that walking into pageant dressing rooms was “the funniest” thing about being in charge of the events. The resurfacing of that admission coincides with multiple former Miss Teen USA contestants’ confirmation that Trump’s skeevy dressing room lurking really did happen.

Make no mistake, media outlets everywhere are doing their best to unearth even more examples of bad Trump behavior. There are plenty of rumors of old footage from The Apprentice that Trump doesn’t want out there. The show’s producers have reportedly warned employees that anyone who leaks footage will be sued, but that hasn’t fully stopped the digging from happening.

UPDATE: The LA Times tweeted an old snippet from Chicago Tribune wires, which revealed him to have said (to two 14-year-old girls), “In a couple of years, I’ll be dating you.”

For even more perspective on the staggering amount of headaches that Team Trump is currently experiencing, Wonkblog’s Matt O’Brien has compiled the past 24 hours of claims in one list.