The ’12 Memes Of Christmas’ Will Warm Your Cold, Dark Heart

Good morning. It’s now less than a week until Christmas. In other words, it’s officially time to panic if you still have gifts to buy. To help ease the anxiety, the fine folks at Mashable would like to gift you with this: the “12 Memes of Christmas.”

Consider this music video our gift to you. “The 12 Memes of Christmas” combines all of our favorite things about the Internet, jam-packed with holiday cheer. (Seriously, there’s more Christmas spirit crammed into this video than chopped nuts in a fruit cake.)

The real stars of this video are the web celebs kind enough to make special appearances, including Nyan Cat, Success Kid, Scumbag Steve, Chuck Testa, Keyboard Cat and Grumpy Cat. But there are plenty of other meme surprises tucked in along the way. See if you can spot them all.


(Via Laughing Squid)