When we last checked in on the internet favorite shearling-coat-wearing-primate, Ikea Monkey, it was being photoshopped into just about everything imaginable, because why not? Now it is sadly smack in the middle of a monkey custody dispute between its owner, a Toronto-based attorney named Yasmin Nakhuda, and animal control officials, who are trying to keep Darwin — yes, that’s Ikea Monkey’s actual name — in a shelter for exotic animals.
Reports the National Post:
“Darwin belongs to me,” Ms. Nakhuda, a Toronto real-estate lawyer, said. “He was not an animal in distress. He did not need to be rescued. The sanctuary says they are there to protect animals, to prevent them living in fear.
“Darwin was not living in fear. Darwin was a very happy little monkey.”
Ms. Nakhuda refers to Darwin as her “son.” (The Guardian newspaper in the U.K. refers to him as the world’s most “fashionable” pet.) His former owner has already bought little Darwin some new outfits for Christmas, a Santa suit, a Christmas dress and a bow tie to wear on New Year’s Eve.
Meanwhile, you can already buy Ikea Monkey-themed wrapping paper, apparently. Anyone who wraps a gift for me in this is automatically my new best friend.