Christopher Nolan May Throw His Little Brother A Bone And Direct His Sci-fi Script 'Interstellar'

What’s Christopher Nolan going to do with himself now that he’s done with the damn superheroes? Well, word is he isn’t looking far for inspiration — his next project may be directing his younger brother Jonathan’s sci-fi script Interstellar.

The script has been kicking around for years — in fact Stephen Spielberg was once attached to direct. Interstellar is about a group of space explorers who travel through a wormhole and encounter alternate dimensions, time travel and all sorts of other trippy stuff. Hey, sounds right up Christopher Nolan’s mind-twisty alley.

So yeah, keep your eyes to the skies Tom Hardy, Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Michael Caine — the Nolan Signal may be summoning you for your sci-fi adventure shortly.

via First Showing