“I’m living in that 21st Century, doing something mean to it/Do it better than anybody you ever seen do it.” In another, Kim Kardashian-less lifetime, Kanye West and Aaron Sorkin would be best friends. When not sniffing their own farts and complaining about how everything’s awful, except them, because they’re the greatest, they’d be using Twitter to comical extremes or not at all, and Ye would explain the word “hater” to Sorkin, who would then start using it all the time instead of “wrongheaded cockamamies.” It’s the greatest buddy comedy not yet written.
But until someone greenlights Aaron on the Side of Kanye, we’ll have to settle for the very funny “Kanye West Wing,” a new Tumblr that combines West’s lyrics with scenes from Sorkin’s great The West Wing. Even those who haven’t seen the show can enjoy Martin Sheen saying, “What’s a God to a non-believer?”
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