Definitive Proof That Ron Jeremy Knows Everyone And Has Been In Every Movie Ever

Ron Jeremy is one of the world’s most recognizable celebrities. Even if you’ve never watched a single second of porn, you know who Ron Jeremy is. But, if you’ve never watched a second of porn, you’re also a terrible liar, so you know EXACTLY who Ron Jeremy is, firsthand even. I once saw the Hedgehog at a music festival, and he couldn’t walk five feet without someone wanting to have their ironic-but-totally-not photo taken with the 1980s porn king.

Which is why it’s such a big deal that yesterday, Jeremy had a heart aneurysm.

A spokesman says porn star Ron Jeremy is recovering from surgery at a Los Angeles hospital after an aneurysm near his heart sent him to intensive care.

Agent Mike Esterman says in an email to The Associated Press that he and others were waiting for Jeremy to awake Wednesday night after a smooth procedure at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center. (Via)

Here’s hoping he pulls out, er, through. Soon after hearing about the medical scare, I start proverbially flipping through Tumblr for images of Ron Jeremy, and was amused at the number of fellow famous people he’s taken pictures with over the years, as well as the quantity of non-adult films “he’s” “been” “in.” Here are some of the best.




















