'Sim City: A Game To Kill For' And Other Mashups

Good afternoon you princes of Maine, you kings of New England, you stalkers of Emma Stone. Here are all the mashup and parody videos I didn’t get a chance to cover, thrown in your face like you’re Jodie Foster working for the FBI.
In the offing for today:

  1. FIRST VIDEO: UGO gives us a look at what would happen if Frank Miller and Robert Rodriguez tackled the most dangerous of cities in ‘Sim City: A Game to Kill For’. It’s awesome and all, but I have to ask: WHY IS THE GUY WITH REFLECTIVE EYEGLASSES TALKING? [Thanks to Chris for sending this in.]
  2. SECOND VIDEO: You knew this was coming: Zero Dark Thirty, now with Batman interrogating suspected terrorists in ‘Zero Dark Knight Thirty’. [via Gorilla Mask]
  3. THIRD VIDEO: HBO’s The Sopranos meets the sitcom Full House because, uh, we’re not really sure why this happened. It’s just that kind of week. Have no mercy, Tony. [Thanks to Matin for sending this in.]
  4. FOURTH VIDEO: James Farr of the Xombie webseries is back with a talented animation with crosses the streams of Ghostbusters and Super Mario Bros. [Thanks to Aaron for sending this in.]
  5. Banner picture: “Mr. Dark Knight Returns” by seniorgoldenspork, a mashup of Batman and Pixar’s Up.
  6. Inset picture via EPBOT.