There’s A New Poop Cruise Terrorizing The Open Seas

I don’t know about you, but I have missed the “poop cruise” being in the news, mainly because I still giggle whenever I hear/read “poop cruise.” It’s just awesome. Of course, the poop cruise has come with a price — namely the cancellation of Mark McGrath’s would’ve-been-totally-awesome 90’s rock cruise — but it’s worth it for the LOLs. And thankfully a new poop cruise has arrived on the scene so we can once again laugh at white human suffering.

Reports ABC:

A Royal Caribbean cruise ship has returned to port with more than 100 passengers sickened by a stomach illness thought to be norovirus.

Vision of the Seas returned to Port Everglades, Fla., after an 11-night Caribbean cruise. One hundred five passengers and three crew members fell ill, the cruise line said. There were 1,991 guests and 772 crew members on board.

The ship returned as scheduled and ill passengers responded well to over-the-counter medication being administered on board the ship, Royal Caribbean International said.

This poop cruise may be actually better than the last one because on this one passengers have literally been shitting their pants, whereas the other one was just covered in shit from the toilets backing up. Keep on cruisin’, you guys!