10 Redditor’s Wife Meme Variations That Have Definitely Happened IRL

Based on no hard evidence whatsoever I’d venture to guess that Reddit is — directly or indirectly — the largest found blog content source on the interwebs. And with great internet power comes great responsibility. Just kidding. With great internet power comes a subculture of geektastic slang and alienating practices. It’s pretty much the internet equivalent to your social circle in high school, except with legitimate influence and just about everyone is old enough/married enough to have finally gotten laid (or at least paid to have gotten laid).

So when I started scanning the new “Redditor’s Wife” meme about a week ago I found my obligatory meme snickers replaced by genuine meme chuckles. I’ve spent a lot of time in Reddit comments, and I’m pretty sure way too many of these are based on real life occurrences. Especially the super awkward/hilarious ten variations that follow.

It should also be noted the meme stock photo couldn’t be more perfect. This chick deserves her own Lifetime movie.
