Funny, Sexy, And Awesome Cosplay Of The Week

Hancock cosplayed by ArcaneKani [via]

It’s that time of the week when we post a mixed bag of intriguing costumes we’ve spotted recently. Some of it’s new; some of it isn’t; all of it is worth highlighting.

Are you a cosplayer or photographer who would like to be featured on Gamma Squad? Upload your photos to our Flickr group to be considered.

Onward to the gallery:

(Click pictures to enlarge.)

T’Pol (Star Trek) cosplayed by Techno Ranma. More pictures at CBM.

Juliet Starling (Lollipop Chainsaw) by Kaorietoile, photographed by Hexlord [via]

Lion-O (Thundercats) photographed by David Ngo (DTJAAAAM)

Lobo crossplayed by Eve Beauregard [via]

Lobo crossplayed by Eve Beauregard [via]

“Mila Jovovich Has Really Let Herself Go” — Reddit

Vanellope and kart (Wreck-It Ralph) by LauraC and IkariyaManga [via]

The Shadow photographed by David Ngo (DTJAAAAM)

“No one cared who I was until I knitted the mask.” [via / via]
