Who Is Karin Catherine Waldegrave?

If there’s one thing the Internet loves, it’s porn. Close behind that, though, are bizarre social networking profiles. And they just don’t get more bizarre than Karin Catherine Waldegrave.

Go to that Facebook profile and you’ll notice something: Each status has a lot of messages. That’s because she replies to her own statuses…repeatedly. Fans have logged responses and noted that sometimes she’ll spend a twelve hour period doing nothing but replying to her statuses.

Furthermore, they’re all a bizarre mixture of word-salad responses and insane conspiracy theories that have no semblance of coherence. We’re not entirely sure what she thinks is happening in Canada, but it’s probably not good and it apparently involves gay Mounties.

What’s going on here? Nobody’s totally sure. Attempts to track Karin down out of either concern or atrocity tourism have hit a wall, and whoever runs the profile stopped posting immediately on May 25th after discovering that fans were trying to get in contact. All we have are theories. Is it a spambot test? A woman who put herself under so much academic strain that she snapped under the strain? An elaborate trolling joke between a group? Someone for whom English is a second language getting practice in? All of the above?

Going through her friends list does yield a few consistent themes: Many of them have ties to Swedish, Estonian, and Russian organizations, and quite a few are indeed Canadian. But until someone comes forward (or 4Chan hunts her down) we’ll just have to admire gems like “Stop your HOLOGRAPHY-caust! I do not speak Russian” or “We are ‘BILDERBERG’ the Bilder, BERG”. Although we’re still trying to figure out where f****tcloning comes into the whole thing.