Do Yourself A Favor And Watch Conan Investigate His Office's Elitist Espresso Machine

It’s really the best thing you’ll watch today. I know, I know. That’s big talk when a video of Louis C.K. taking down a female heckler surfaced just hours earlier, but I was planning to shut things down when I finally got around to watching the below clip from last night’s Conan and I’ve been compelled to share.

Everything about it works. Office politics, Conan’s ability to play everyone just right, and especially Associate Producer Jordan Schlansky. There’s no other way to say it than Jordan Schalansky makes the whole thing. I’m not sure his pedantic/elitist routine isn’t an act for the camera, but my gut tells me it’s not, and put him up against Conan in full Law & Order mode and that’s just good television.

Fair warning: it’s just over six minutes long. It’s a good thing you have nothing better to do.

Team Coco