Watch Nick Young Recite Some Swaggy P Poetry

Lakers guard Nick Young is many things, but he’s never boring. Unfortunately, he found himself with a lot of time to kill at the Lakers practice facility last night, and took got struck by the muse of poesy.

He captioned the below video, “Poetry Fridays … We so bored tonight late night workouts hahahahaha.” It sounds better when he’s making fluttery movements with his arms and hands as you’ll see in the video.

See, it’s poetry Fridays.

Your love is like a banner,
I just want to touch it.
I can’t reach it —
It’s too high, so I fly into your heart.

It’s not exactly Emily Dickinson‘s slant rhyme, but it’s not half bad when you watch him perform the impromptu quatrain.

Later, Sir Swaggy broke out another one standing from the actual court at the Lakers practice facility in El Segundo, California, but it was a sestet he didn’t quite get to complete:

When you walk into a room
Silhouette, stop.
It’s like an angel
Dropped, from above.
I show love to my ladies and my homies,
But —

—then an excited Lil Nick broke in and Swaggy had to laugh.

We’d pay money to watch Swaggy perform some Keats, Coleridge or even some Tennyson, but we’re guessing he’s more of a Bukowski fan until the season officially starts.

What do you think?

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