Twitter Music Could Debut As Soon As Today

If you’re a social network, it’s the fad to have some sort of music functionality. Twitter is apparently no exception, but at least they’re going to launch Twitter Music right when it’ll be the most useful, namely at the start of Coachella.

Honestly, the app, which is tied to Twitter but is a standalone program, sounds fairly straightforward:

The app suggests artists and tracks to users based on a number of personalized signals, including the Twitter accounts a user follows on the microblogging service. Users will be able to listen to clips of music from inside the app, using third-party services like iTunes, Soundcloud; they will also be able to watch music videos provided by Vevo, the music video service owned by Universal Music and Sony.

If we’re being honest, this doesn’t really sound like anything particularly special. The program is built by We Are Hunted, a startup Twitter acquired last year that had tools to track what songs were the most popular on social networks at any given time.

It is interesting, at least, in the sense that this will give us a much better idea what people are listening to than using, say, Trending Topics. Scanning YouTube links and artist mentions will give Twitter-savvy artists a boost. Or at least it’ll tell us who’s winning all those Coachella set conflicts.