Are you hardest, hardcore Iron Man fan around? Are you not only planning to line up next Thursday for a midnight showing of Iron Man 3, but willing to pay extra to see it on an IMAX screen? Well, then you have a little treat coming — folks who watch the first midnight showing of Iron Man 3 in an IMAX theater get a rad, limited edition poster designed by comic artist Jock.
Not feeling like braving the hordes? Well you can check out the Jock poster (as well as nine other Jock designs that weren’t used) after the jump…
via ComicsAlliance
Here’s the official poster IMAX will be handing out.
Hit the following pages for the unused designs.
Obviously the unused designs aren’t as polished as the one IMAX ultimately picked, but I like designs 6 and 7 a lot (Iron Man flying vertically over white background, white Iron Man mask over black background). Too bad all these designs couldn’t have been made!