New Electric Scooter Is Something You’d Actually Want To Ride

Oh, electric scooters. Sure you make sense economically and ecologically, but who the heck wants to be seen riding around on something as geeky looking as you? (Has anyone ever not laughed at someone on a Segway?)

Which explains the appeal of the new Uno III, an electric scooter that not only looks cool, but even transforms from a one-wheeled unicycle to a street bike when used at high speeds.

Invented by Benjamin Gulak (founder of BPG Motors), the Uno III is designed to have a top speed of 35 miles per hour and have a range of about 30 miles. (If that seems tiny, it’s because it’s meant to be used in big cities.) It’s not out yet, but is supposed to hit the market on a limited basis next year.

If the bike seems a little familiar to Canadian TV watchers, it’s because a young Ben Gulak pitched the original Uno I on the Canadian TV show Dragons Den back in 2009. All he had was a video tape of his prototype, but still got all the dragons to invest: to Burnsy for the tip!

Video of the UNO III in action after the jump!

[CNET via Switched]