The Many Faces Of Justin Timberlake

After recently documenting my appreciation for the Many Faces of Many Faces as an internet institution I figured I should get in the act but with Nic Cage and Ron Swanson already spoken for I drew a blank on who the hell else I was intrigued enough by to do the honor. If only there was a pop culture icon out there who not only was responsible for some of my favorite SNL sketches but had also rocked white kid cornrows at the turn of the century. But who?

It’s been well documented around these parts that Timberlake is a pretty cool dude. You’d have to be to evolve and transform like he has. If you had told me a decade ago the jheri-bleached kid from ‘N Sync was going to be capable of this sort of comedic self-deprecation, not to mention become a respected Hollywood actor, I would have told you to go Lance Bass yourself (he knows what it means). And since Bad Teacher might not suck this seemed like as fine a time as any to whip together “The Many Faces of Timberlake.” I’m rather partial to the denim cowboy phase myself. If only we could freeze time.

Full version after the jump.