Man Sets Up Camera To Film Ghosts, Ends Up Recording His Wife Having Sex With His Underage Son

Giving unpleasant associations to the words “ghosts” and “busting,” a 28-year-old woman pleaded guilty to five counts of sexual intercourse with a young person, after her husband, who had set up a camera to film “paranormal activity,” instead recorded her and his underage son getting friendly together. Reports the Mercury:

Crown Prosecutor Jackie Hartnett told the court in October last year the woman had gone to her stepson’s room to discuss his driving lessons.

Although the pair had previously had a strained relationship, tickling led to kissing and then to intercourse, the prosecutor said.

I’d love to hear the segue between driving lessons and sex. The phrase “pull out slowly” probably came up.

The following day, the woman’s de facto partner set up a video camera in a bid to capture evidence of paranormal activity in the house, but forgot to turn it off.

When he returned from work and reviewed the footage, he saw his son and the woman kissing and cuddling.

He questioned his partner, who downplayed the incident but his son confessed that they had sex three times in the preceding days.

And suddenly, we have the plot for Paranormal Activity 89: Assparition.

(Via the Mercury)