Duck Face Spaghetti: Improving The Internet’s Duck Face Photos One Noodle At A Time

The scourge that is Duck Face has been tormenting the internet since the beginning of time for as long as anyone can remember. Facebook in particular is home to millions upon millions of Duck Face selfies that research shows kill brain cells upon each individual viewing.

One group in particular has been fighting the good fight for almost a year now and should not have gone unnoticed here for this long. Ladies and gentleman, today we pay tribute to Duck Face Spaghetti, a Facebook group dedicated to fixing all those dumb photos once and for all by giving them the Lady and The Tramp treatment they are so very much begging for.

Once you scroll through this sampling of the ten best variations they have to offer it will be a wonder how you ever pictured them otherwise. You’ll also come to appreciate plate placement. That’s where the real art lies. Enjoy.

DuckFaceSpaghetti via RobotInDisguise