Those Crazy Amish Teens Are Using Facebook To Score Booze And Look At Boobs

It’s all Harrison Ford’s fault. Ever since he brought his chiseled good looks and Sam Cooke songs to Amish Country in Witness, those poor hat-wearing bastards haven’t been the same. They’re all we want technology this and why can’t we have Dan Aykroyd’s skull vodka that. Especially during Rumspringa, when Amish teens are allowed to explore the outside world, what with its billboards and fast food and all, for the first time. And while they’re Rumspringa’ing, as BuzzFeed reports, they’re using social media to organize parties and look at bewbs.

Rumspringa’s unofficial motto is “What happens in Rumspringa stays in Rumspringa.” But that doesn’t stop teenagers from creating a lasting record of their exploits on Facebook.

“They watch what they post,” says Noah. “Like, they shy away from sexual comments or posts on Facebook because it can give them a bad reputation.” But when it comes to party shots, of them and their wasted friends, it seems like there is no holding back. (Amish teens are perhaps the ideal audience for SnapChat, but it hasn’t yet caught on.)

One thing these teenagers don’t use the internet for is meeting non-Amish; even online, a sense of community overwhelms all else. Amish boys, like any guys, watch porn on “tube” sites. They check out hot “English” (non-Amish) women on but don’t message them directly. “The average Amish person on Meetme is a just curious guy. They kinda keep to themselves,” explains [Noah Hershberger, a 22-year-old who recently left the Amish]. “As long as it’s another Amish teen, like, out of state, they will likely talk to them, but very seldom to non-Amish people.” (Via)

OK, it’s not just Harrison Ford’s fault. This handsome devil had something to do with it, too.

Churn it, churn it real good.

(Via BuzzFeed)