PSP Gaming + Little Kid Walking = Epic Fall Onto Train Tracks (Video)

Man, Italy must have some really impressive gaming titles for the PSP. I mean, how else could you justify a 10-year-old boy being so distracted that, while playing, he actually saunters his way off of a train platform and onto the tracks of a busy station? At the time, the young boy was walking with his mother and sister in MIlan’s busy Loreto station. Luckily for the PSP young boy, off-duty police officer Alessandro Micalizzi jumped in to rescue the kid.

Says my Alessandro:

‘He was with his mother and sister, and before he fell I saw them out of the corner of my eye and he was completely lost in his game and wasn’t looking where he was going. I just had a few seconds because he had got off a train and mine was due in less than a minute so I acted as quickly as I could, making sure not to touch the rails.’ [Kotaku]

But what in the hell game was this kid playing?! I’m dying to know, people. The most I’ve ever been distracted by a video game was the time that I neglected to feed my parent’s cockatoo its medication. In my defense though, that day, I was working on my music career with my close friend PaRappa The Rapper.

Video after the jump: